options: prefix: &8&l[&3&lPyraChat&8&l] #prefix w wiadomościach ogólnych prefix_rename: &8&l[&9&lRename&8&l] #prefix w wiadomościach dotyczących rename powiadomienia: 1 #czas pomiędzy powiadomieniami w minutach function send(wiad: text, p: player, rodzaj: text): set {_} to yaml value "%{_wiad}%" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" replace all "[prefix]" with "{@prefix}" in {_} set {_punkty} to yaml value "AutoBan.Punkty" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%{_p}%.yml" set {_k} to yaml value "AutoBan.Kara [h]" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" set {_kara::gracz} to yaml value "AutoBan.Kara" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%{_p}%.yml" replace all "[Kara-Gracz]" with "%{_k}*{_kara::gracz}%" in {_} replace all "[prefix-rename]" with "{@prefix_rename}" in {_} replace all "[Autoban-Punkty]" with "%{_punkty}%" in {_} replace all "[player]" with {_p}'s name in {_} replace all "[prefix]" with "{@prefix}" in {_} set {_kara} to yaml value "AutoBan.Licznik" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" replace all "[AutoBan-Licznik]" with "%{_kara}%" in {_} replace all "[player]" with {_p}'s name in {_} if {_rodzaj} is "bc": broadcast coloured {_} else if {_rodzaj} is "send": send coloured {_} to {_p} function kara(p: player, pkt: integer, msg: text): set {_} to yaml value "AutoBan.Punkty" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%{_p}%.yml" add {_pkt} to {_} if {_} >= 100: set {_stat} to yaml value "AutoBan.Licznik" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" add 1 to {_stat} set yaml value "AutoBan.Licznik" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" to {_stat} remove 100 from {_} set {_kara::gracz} to yaml value "AutoBan.Kara" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%{_p}%.yml" add 1 to {_kara::gracz} set yaml value "AutoBan.Kara" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%{_p}%.yml" to {_kara::gracz} set yaml value "AutoBan.Punkty" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%{_p}%.yml" to {_} set {_k} to yaml value "AutoBan.Kara [h]" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" send("kara_limit_punktow", {_p}, "send") make console execute command "/jail %{_p}% 1 %{_k}*{_kara::gracz}% h" else: set yaml value "AutoBan.Punkty" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%{_p}%.yml" to {_} send("%{_msg}%", {_p}, "send") send("punkty_stan_gracz", {_p}, "send") function powiadomienie(msg: text, p: player): replace all "[prefix]" with "{@prefix}" in {_msg} replace all "[prefix-rename]" with "{@prefix_rename}" in {_msg} send "%{_msg}%" to {_p} #[]------------------------------------------------[Główna Komenda]------------------------------------------------[] command /pyrachat [] []: aliases: /pchat permission: pyrachat.admin permission message: {@prefix} &8Nie możesz tego użyć! trigger: if arg 1 is not set: set {_} to chest with 3 rows named " {@prefix}" loop 26 times: set slot loop-number of {_} to gray glass named "&7Panel PyraChat" set slot 0 of {_} to shiny blue glass named "&9" set slot 8 of {_} to shiny blue glass named "&8" set slot 18 of {_} to shiny blue glass named "&8" set slot 26 of {_} to shiny blue glass named "&8" set slot 4 of {_} to light green glass named "&aKliknij, aby zwiększyć" set slot 22 of {_} to red glass named "&cKliknij, aby zmniejszyć" if yaml value "Chat" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: set slot 11 of {_} to shiny pink dye named "&9Wyciszenie Chatu" with lore "&7Zablokuj graczom możliwość||&7pisania na chacie.|| ||&8Status: &a&lON" else: set slot 11 of {_} to purple dye named "&9Wyciszenie Chatu" with lore "&7Zablokuj graczom możliwość||&7pisania na chacie.|| ||&8Status: &c&lOFF" if yaml value "CapsLock" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: set slot 12 of {_} to shiny pink dye named "&9Blokada CapsLocka" with lore "&7Zablokuj graczom możliwość pisania||&7na chacie wielkimi literami.|| ||&8Status: &a&lON" else: set slot 12 of {_} to purple dye named "&9Blokada CapsLocka" with lore "&7Zablokuj graczom możliwość pisania||&7na chacie wielkimi literami.|| ||&8Status: &c&lOFF" set {_kara} to yaml value "AutoBan.Kara [h]" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" set slot 13 of {_} to purple dye named "&9Długość Kary" with lore "&7Ustaw domyślną wartość kary||&7za punkty ostrzeżeń [w godzinach].|| ||&8Status: &a&l%{_kara}%" if yaml value "AutoBan.Status" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: set slot 14 of {_} to shiny pink dye named "&9AutoBan" with lore "&7Gdy włączone, gracze będą otrzymywać||&7punkty ostrzeżeń za niedozwolone||&7treści.|| ||&8Status: &a&lON" else: set slot 14 of {_} to purple dye named "&9AutoBan" with lore "&7Gdy włączone, gracze będą otrzymywać||&7punkty ostrzeżeń za niedozwolone||&7treści.|| ||&8Status: &c&lOFF" if yaml value "Cenzura.Tabliczka" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: set slot 15 of {_} to shiny pink dye named "&9Cenzura Tabliczek" with lore "&7Gdy włączone, gracze będą otrzymywać||&7punkty ostrzeżeń za niedozwolone||&7treści na tabliczkach.|| ||&8Status: &a&lON" else: set slot 15 of {_} to purple dye named "&9Cenzura Tabliczek" with lore "&7Gdy włączone, gracze będą otrzymywać||&7punkty ostrzeżeń za niedozwolone||&7treści na tabliczkach.|| ||&8Status: &c&lOFF" if yaml value "Cenzura.Chat" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: set slot 10 of {_} to shiny pink dye named "&9Cenzura Chatu" with lore "&7Gdy włączone, gracze będą otrzymywać||&7punkty ostrzeżeń za niedozwolone||&7treści na chacie.|| ||&8Status: &a&lON" else: set slot 10 of {_} to purple dye named "&9Cenzura Chatu" with lore "&7Gdy włączone, gracze będą otrzymywać||&7punkty ostrzeżeń za niedozwolone||&7treści na chacie.|| ||&8Status: &c&lOFF" if yaml value "Cenzura.Rename" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: set slot 16 of {_} to shiny pink dye named "&9Cenzura Rename" with lore "&7Gdy włączone, gracze będą otrzymywać||&7punkty ostrzeżeń za niedozwolone||&7treści w rename.|| ||&8Status: &a&lON" else: set slot 16 of {_} to purple dye named "&9Cenzura Rename" with lore "&7Gdy włączone, gracze będą otrzymywać||&7punkty ostrzeżeń za niedozwolone||&7treści w rename.|| ||&8Status: &c&lOFF" if yaml value "Powiadomienia" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: set slot 17 of {_} to shiny pink dye named "&9Powiadomienia" with lore "&7Wyświetla powiadomienia serwerowe||&7ustawiane w plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml|| ||&8Status: &a&lON" else: set slot 17 of {_} to purple dye named "&9Powiadomienia" with lore "&7Wyświetla powiadomienia serwerowe||&7ustawiane w plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Wiadomosci.yml|| ||&8Status: &c&lOFF" set slot 9 of {_} to purple dye named "&9Czyszczenie Chatu" with lore "&7Wyczyść wszystkie wiadomości||&7na chacie głównym." open {_} to player #[]------------------------------------------------[GUI]------------------------------------------------[] on inventory click: if name of player's current inventory is " {@prefix}": cancel event if clicked slot is 10: if yaml value "Cenzura.Chat" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: set yaml value "Cenzura.Chat" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" to false set slot 10 of player's current inventory to purple dye named "&9Cenzura Chatu" with lore "&7Gdy włączone, gracze będą otrzymywać||&7punkty ostrzeżeń za niedozwolone||&7treści na chacie.|| ||&8Status: &c&lOFF" else: set yaml value "Cenzura.Chat" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" to true set slot 10 of player's current inventory to shiny pink dye named "&9Cenzura Chatu" with lore "&7Gdy włączone, gracze będą otrzymywać||&7punkty ostrzeżeń za niedozwolone||&7treści na chacie.|| ||&8Status: &a&lON" if clicked slot is 11: if yaml value "Chat" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is false: set yaml value "Chat" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" to true set slot 11 of player's current inventory to shiny pink dye named "&9Wyciszenie Chatu" with lore "&7Zablokuj graczom możliwość||&7pisania na chacie.|| ||&8Status: &a&lON" broadcast " " broadcast " " send("bc_wyciszono_chat", player, "bc") broadcast " " broadcast " " else: set yaml value "Chat" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" to false set slot 11 of player's current inventory to purple dye named "&9Wyciszenie Chatu" with lore "&7Zablokuj graczom możliwość||&7pisania na chacie.|| ||&8Status: &c&lOFF" broadcast " " broadcast " " send("bc_wlaczono_chat", player, "bc") broadcast " " broadcast " " if clicked slot is 12: if yaml value "CapsLock" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: set yaml value "CapsLock" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" to false set slot 12 of player's current inventory to purple dye named "&9Blokada CapsLocka" with lore "&7Zablokuj graczom możliwość pisania||&7na chacie wielkimi literami.|| ||&8Status: &c&lOFF" else: set yaml value "CapsLock" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" to true set slot 12 of player's current inventory to shiny pink dye named "&9Blokada CapsLocka" with lore "&7Zablokuj graczom możliwość pisania||&7na chacie wielkimi literami.|| ||&8Status: &a&lON" if clicked slot is 14: if yaml value "AutoBan.Status" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: set yaml value "AutoBan.Status" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" to false set slot 14 of player's current inventory to purple dye named "&9AutoBan" with lore "&7Gdy włączone, gracze będą otrzymywać||&7punkty ostrzeżeń za niedozwolone||&7treści.|| ||&8Status: &c&lOFF" else: set yaml value "AutoBan.Status" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" to true set slot 14 of player's current inventory to shiny pink dye named "&9AutoBan" with lore "&7Gdy włączone, gracze będą otrzymywać||&7punkty ostrzeżeń za niedozwolone||&7treści.|| ||&8Status: &a&lON" if clicked slot is 15: if yaml value "Cenzura.Tabliczka" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: set yaml value "Cenzura.Tabliczka" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" to false set slot 15 of player's current inventory to purple dye named "&9Cenzura Tabliczek" with lore "&7Gdy włączone, gracze będą otrzymywać||&7punkty ostrzeżeń za niedozwolone||&7treści na tabliczkach.|| ||&8Status: &c&lOFF" else: set yaml value "Cenzura.Tabliczka" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" to true set slot 15 of player's current inventory to shiny pink dye named "&9Cenzura Tabliczek" with lore "&7Gdy włączone, gracze będą otrzymywać||&7punkty ostrzeżeń za niedozwolone||&7treści na tabliczkach.|| ||&8Status: &a&lON" if clicked slot is 9: loop 150 times: broadcast "" send("bc_czyszczenie_chatu", player, "bc") if clicked slot is 16: if yaml value "Cenzura.Rename" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: set yaml value "Cenzura.Rename" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" to false set slot 16 of player's current inventory to purple dye named "&9Cenzura Rename" with lore "&7Gdy włączone, gracze będą otrzymywać||&7punkty ostrzeżeń za niedozwolone||&7treści w rename.|| ||&8Status: &c&lOFF" else: set yaml value "Cenzura.Rename" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" to true set slot 16 of player's current inventory to shiny pink dye named "&9Cenzura Rename" with lore "&7Gdy włączone, gracze będą otrzymywać||&7punkty ostrzeżeń za niedozwolone||&7treści w rename.|| ||&8Status: &a&lON" if clicked slot is 17: if yaml value "Powiadomienia" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: set yaml value "Powiadomienia" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" to false set slot 17 of player's current inventory to purple dye named "&9Powiadomienia" with lore "&7Wyświetla powiadomienia serwerowe||&7ustawiane w plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Wiadomosci.yml|| ||&8Status: &c&lOFF" else: set yaml value "Powiadomienia" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" to true set slot 17 of player's current inventory to shiny pink dye named "&9Powiadomienia" with lore "&7Wyświetla powiadomienia serwerowe||&7ustawiane w plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Wiadomosci.yml|| ||&8Status: &a&lON" if clicked slot is 4: set {_kara} to yaml value "AutoBan.Kara [h]" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" add 1 to {_kara} set yaml value "AutoBan.Kara [h]" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" to {_kara} set slot 13 of player's current inventory to purple dye named "&9Długość Kary" with lore "&7Ustaw domyślną wartość kary||&7za punkty ostrzeżeń [w godzinach].|| ||&8Status: &a&l%{_kara}%" if clicked slot is 22: if yaml value "AutoBan.Kara [h]" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" > 1: set {_kara} to yaml value "AutoBan.Kara [h]" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" remove 1 from {_kara} set yaml value "AutoBan.Kara [h]" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" to {_kara} set slot 13 of player's current inventory to purple dye named "&9Długość Kary" with lore "&7Ustaw domyślną wartość kary||&7za punkty ostrzeżeń [w godzinach].|| ||&8Status: &a&l%{_kara}%" #[]------------------------------------------------[Powiadomienia]------------------------------------------------[] command /powiadomienia: executable by: players aliases: pow, wiad trigger: if yaml value "Powiadomienia" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: if yaml value "Powiadomienia" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%player%.yml" is true: set yaml value "Powiadomienia" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%player%.yml" to false send("powiadomienia_gracz_off", player, "send") else: set yaml value "Powiadomienia" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%player%.yml" to true send("powiadomienia_gracz_on", player, "send") else: send("powiadomienia_gracz_blad", player, "send") every {@powiadomienia} minutes: if yaml value "Powiadomienia" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: set {_wiadomosci::*} to yaml list "Wiadomosci" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" set {_} to a random element out of {_wiadomosci::*} loop all players: if yaml value "Powiadomienia" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%loop-player%.yml" is true: powiadomienie("%{_}%", loop-player) on disconnect: set yaml value "Powiadomienia" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%player%.yml" to true #[]------------------------------------------------[Punkty Ostrzeżeń]------------------------------------------------[] command /punkty: trigger: send("punkty_stan_gracz", player, "send") #[]------------------------------------------------[Cenzura Rename]------------------------------------------------[] command /rename []: executable by: players trigger: if arg 1 is set: if player's tool is not air: if yaml value "Cenzura.Rename" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is false: set name of player's tool to colored arg 1 send "{@prefix_rename} &7Nazwa przedmiotu została zmieniona na: %coloured arg-1%&7." else: set {_status} to false set {_reklama::*} to yaml list "Cenzura.Reklama" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" loop {_reklama::*}: if coloured arg 1 contains loop-value: set {_status} to true if {_status} is true: if yaml value "AutoBan.Status" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: kara(player, 25, "nie_reklamuj") else: send("nie_reklamuj_2", player, "send") loop all players: if loop-player has permission "pyrachat.admin": send "{@prefix} &8&l%player% chciał nazwać przedmiot wyrażeniem: &b%coloured arg 1%" to loop-player stop set {_cenzura::*} to yaml list "Cenzura.Blokada" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" loop {_cenzura::*}: if coloured arg 1 contains loop-value: set {_status} to true if {_status} is true: if yaml value "AutoBan.Status" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: kara(player, 5, "nie_przeklinaj") else: send("nie_przeklinaj_2", player, "send") else: set name of player's tool to colored arg 1 send "{@prefix_rename} &7Nazwa przedmiotu została zmieniona na: %colored arg-1%&7." else: send("rename_pusty_slot", player,"send") else: send("rename_uzycie", player, "send") #[]------------------------------------------------[Admin Chat]------------------------------------------------[] command /adminchat []: executable by: players and console permission: pyrachat.admin aliases: ac trigger: if arg 1 is set: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "pyrachat.admin": send "&8&l[&4&lAC&8&l] &d&l%player%&7: &c%uncolored arg 1%" to loop-player else: if yaml value "AdminChat" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%player%.yml" is false: set yaml value "AdminChat" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%player%.yml" to true send "&8&l[&4&lAC&8&l] &7AdminChat został &9włączony&7." else: set yaml value "AdminChat" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%player%.yml" to false send "&8&l[&4&lAC&8&l] &7AdminChat został &9wyłączony&7." on chat: if yaml value "AdminChat" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%player%.yml" is true: cancel event loop all players: if loop-player has permission "pyrachat.admin": send "&8&l[&4&lAC&8&l] &d&l%player%&7: &c%uncolored message%" to loop-player #[]------------------------------------------------[Cenzura Tabliczek]------------------------------------------------[] on sign change: if yaml value "Cenzura.Tabliczka" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: set {_status} to false set {_cenzura::*} to yaml list "Cenzura.Blokada" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" set {_reklama::*} to yaml list "Cenzura.Reklama" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" loop 4 times: loop {_reklama::*}: if line loop-number-1 contains loop-value-2: set {_status} to true if {_status} is true: cancel event if yaml value "AutoBan.Status" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: kara(player, 25, "nie_reklamuj") else: send("nie_reklamuj_2", player, "send") loop all players: if loop-player has permission "pyrachat.admin": send "&f&l%player% chciał postawić tabliczkę:" to loop-player send "&3Miejsce: &b%world of event-block% &9%location of event-block%" to loop-player loop 4 times: send "&b&lLinijka %loop-number%: &f%uncolored line loop-number%" to loop-player stop else: loop 4 times: loop {_cenzura::*}: if line loop-number-1 contains loop-value-2: set {_status} to true if {_status} is true: cancel event if yaml value "AutoBan.Status" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: kara(player, 5, "nie_przeklinaj") else: send("nie_przeklinaj_2", player, "send") #[]------------------------------------------------[Blokada Chatu]------------------------------------------------[] on chat: if yaml value "Chat" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: player doesn't have permissions "pyrachat.admin": cancel event send("wyciszony_chat_blad", player, "send") #[]------------------------------------------------[Emotki]------------------------------------------------[] on chat: set {_emotki::*} to yaml list "Emotki" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" loop {_emotki::*}: if loop-value contains " || ": set {_} to first index of " || " in loop-value set {_emotka} to subtext of loop-value from character ({_}) to character (length of loop-value) set {_tekst} to loop-value replace {_emotka} with "" in {_tekst} replace " || " with "" in {_emotka} replace all {_tekst} with coloured {_emotka} in the message #[]------------------------------------------------[Blokada CapsLocka]------------------------------------------------[] on chat: if yaml value "CapsLock" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: player doesn't have permission "pyrachat.admin": replace all "A" with "a" in the message replace all "B" with "b" in the message replace all "C" with "c" in the message replace all "D" with "d" in the message replace all "E" with "e" in the message replace all "F" with "f" in the message replace all "G" with "g" in the message replace all "H" with "h" in the message replace all "I" with "i" in the message replace all "J" with "j" in the message replace all "K" with "k" in the message replace all "L" with "l" in the message replace all "M" with "m" in the message replace all "N" with "n" in the message replace all "O" with "o" in the message replace all "P" with "p" in the message replace all "R" with "r" in the message replace all "S" with "s" in the message replace all "T" with "t" in the message replace all "U" with "u" in the message replace all "W" with "w" in the message replace all "Y" with "y" in the message replace all "Z" with "z" in the message replace all "X" with "x" in the message #[]------------------------------------------------[Cenzura Chatu]------------------------------------------------[] on chat: if yaml value "Cenzura.Chat" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: set {_cenzura::*} to yaml list "Cenzura.Blokada" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" set {_reklama::*} to yaml list "Cenzura.Reklama" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" set {_status} to false loop {_reklama::*}: if message contains loop-value: set {_status} to true if {_status} is true: cancel event loop all players: if loop-player has permission "pyrachat.admin": send "&f&l%player% chciał napisać na chacie: &b%coloured message%" to loop-player if yaml value "AutoBan.Status" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: kara(player, 25, "nie_reklamuj") else: send("nie_reklamuj_2", player, "send") stop else: loop {_cenzura::*}: if coloured message contains loop-value: replace all loop-value with "***" in the message set {_} to true if {_} is true: if yaml value "AutoBan.Status" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is true: kara(player, 5, "nie_przeklinaj") else: send("nie_przeklinaj_2", player, "send") #[]------------------------------------------------[Kasowanie Punktów]------------------------------------------------[] every 30 minutes: loop all players: set {_} to yaml value "AutoBan.Punkty" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%loop-player%.yml" if {_} <= 5: set {_} to 0 set yaml value "AutoBan.Punkty" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%loop-player%.yml" to {_} else: remove 5 from {_} set yaml value "AutoBan.Punkty" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%loop-player%.yml" to {_} #[]------------------------------------------------[Statystyka]------------------------------------------------[] every 4 hours: loop all players: send("bc_autoban_statystyka", loop-player, "send") #[]------------------------------------------------[Konfiguracja]------------------------------------------------[] on script load: if yaml value "Chat" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" is not set: download from "https://pastebin.com/raw/wLZ81cJR" to "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Config.yml" loop all players: if yaml value "Powiadomienia" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%loop-player%.yml" is not set: set yaml value "Powiadomienia" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%loop-player%.yml" to true set yaml value "AutoBan.Kara" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%loop-player%.yml" to 0 set yaml value "AutoBan.Punkty" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%loop-player%.yml" to 0 set yaml value "AdminChat" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%loop-player%.yml" to false on join: if yaml value "Powiadomienia" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%player%.yml" is not set: set yaml value "Powiadomienia" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%player%.yml" to true set yaml value "AutoBan.Kara" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%player%.yml" to 0 set yaml value "AutoBan.Punkty" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%player%.yml" to 0 set yaml value "AdminChat" from file "plugins/Skript/PyraChat/Gracze/%player%.yml" to false #Created by LuckyPotato v3.1 https://skript.pl/temat/24660-pyrachat-chat-cenzura-warny/