command /paysign: trigger: send "&bAby utworzyc tzw. paysign czyli tabliczke przez ktora gracze moga ci placic zrob tak:" send "&aW pierwszej linii wpisz '&e[PaySign]' &a W linii drugiej wpisz swoj nick, w linii trzeciej wpisz kwote " send "&6Powinno to wygladac tak:" send "&c[Paysign]" send "&c%player%" send "&c" send "&9Skrypt by DjLysy 2k20" on sign change: if line 1 is "[PaySign]": if line 2 is set: if line 3 is set: set line 1 to "&8[&6PaySign&8]" set line 2 to "%player%" set line 4 to "&9Kliknij ppm" send "&8[&6PaySign&8] &bStworzyles tabliczke " stop on right click: if clicked block is sign: if line 1 of clicked block is "&8[&6PaySign&8]": set {_strona} to facing of event-block set {_gracz} to line 2 of clicked block parsed as offline player set {_cena} to line 3 of clicked block parsed as number set {_tabliczka} to type of block at event-block if {_gracz} is equal to name of player: send "&8[&6PaySign&8] &bNie mozesz uzyc tabliczki ktora stworzyles" stop if player's balance is greater than or equal to {_cena}: send "&8[&6PaySign&8]&b Zaplaciles &e%{_cena}% &bgraczowi &a%{_gracz}%" send "&8[&6PaySign&8] &a%player% &bzaplacil ci &e%{_cena}%" to {_gracz} remove {_cena} from player's balance add {_cena} to {_gracz}'s balance set facing of block at event-block to {_strona} set block at event-block to redstone block wait 10 tick set block at event-block to {_tabliczka} set facing of block at event-block to {_strona} set line 1 of block at event-block to "&8[&6PaySign&8]" set line 2 of block at event-block to "%{_gracz}%" set line 3 of block at event-block to "%{_cena}%" set line 4 of block at event-block to "&9Kliknij ppm" stop send "&8[&6PaySign&8]&b Nie masz tyle pieniedzy"