every 10 second: loop all players: set {_koxy} to number of golden apple:1 in the loop-player's inventory set {_refile} to number of golden apple:0 in the loop-player's inventory set {_perly} to number of ender pearl in the loop-player's inventory if {_koxy} is more than 6: set {_a} to {_koxy}-6 remove {_a} of golden apple:1 from loop-player add {_a} to {schowek.%loop-player%.koxy} send "&cPosiadasz przy sobie wiecej niz 6 koxow, %{_a}% koxow zostaje odlozone do twojego schowka" to loop-player if {_refile} is more than 64: set {_a} to {_refile}-64 remove {_a} of golden apple:0 from loop-player add {_a} to {schowek.%loop-player%.refile} send "&cPosiadasz przy sobie wiecej niz 64 refile, %{_a}% refili zostaje odlozone do twojego schowka" to loop-player if {_perly} is more than 3: set {_a} to {_perly}-3 remove {_a} of ender pearl from loop-player add {_a} to {schowek.%loop-player%.perly} send "&cPosiadasz przy sobie wiecej niz 3 perly, %{_a}% perel zostaje odlozone do twojego schowka" to loop-player command /schowek []: trigger: if argument is not set: if {schowek.%player%.koxy} is not set: set {schowek.%player%.koxy} to 0 if {schowek.%player%.refile} is not set: set {schowek.%player%.refile} to 0 if {schowek.%player%.perly} is not set: set {schowek.%player%.perly} to 0 send "&7---- &6Schowek &7----" send "&7» &6/schowek koxy &8- &7wyplaca koxy(%{schowek.%player%.koxy}%)" send "&7» &6/schowek refile &8- &7wyplaca refile(%{schowek.%player%.refile}%)" send "&7» &6/schowek perly &8- &7wyplaca perly(%{schowek.%player%.perly}%)" send "&7» &6/schowek all &8- &7wyplaca wszystko" if argument is "koxy": give {schowek.%player%.koxy} of golden apple:1 to player send "&cWyplasiles ze schowka &6%{schowek.%player%.koxy}% &ckoxow" set {schowek.%player%.koxy} to 0 if argument is "refile": give {schowek.%player%.refile} of golden apple:0 to player send "&cWyplasiles ze schowka &6%{schowek.%player%.refile}% &crefili" set {schowek.%player%.koxy} to 0 if argument is "perly": give {schowek.%player%.perly} of ender pearl to player send "&8 &cWyplasiles ze schowka &6%{schowek.%player%.perly}% &cperel" set {schowek.%player%.perly} to 0 if argument is "all": execute player command "schowek koxy" execute player command "schowek perly" execute player command "schowek refile"