command /dajcoin: trigger: add 10000 to {coin} send "&aDodales sobie coinsy pomyslnie" to player command /coin: trigger: open chest with 1 row named "&7Coin menu" to player format slot 3 of player with 1 sunflower named "&aTwoje coinsy" to run [ make player execute "/tcoin" ] format slot 4 of player with 1 paper named "&aKup coinsy" to run [ make player execute "/tkup" ] format slot 5 of player with 1 book named "&aPrzelej coinsy" to run [ make player execute "/tprzelej" ] # Komendy # command /tcoin: trigger: send "&8[&9SB&8] &7Twoje coinsy: %{coin}%" to player stop command /tkup: trigger: send "&8[&9SB&8] &7Wejdz na & &7aby kupic coinsy" to player stop command /coins [] []: trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: add arg-2 to {coin.%offlineplayer%} remove arg-2 from {coin} send "&8[&9SB&8] &7Coinsy zostaly pomyslnie przelane" to player if arg-1 is not set: send "&8[&9SB&8] &7Uzyj: &6/coin " to player if arg-2 is not set: send "&8[&9SB&8] &7Uzyj: &6/coin " to player stop command /tprzelej: trigger: send "&8[&9SB&8] &7Aby przelac coinsy innemu graczowi napisz &6/coins" to player