on death of player: if {kill.streak::%attacker%} is 0: set {kill.streak::%attacker%} to 1 add 1 to {pkt::%attacker%} wait 10 second if {kill.streak::%attacker%} is 1: set {kill.streak::%attacker%} to 0 if {kill.streak::%attacker%} is 1: set {kill.streak::%attacker%} to 2 add 2 to {pkt::%attacker%} send title "&c☠ &a&lDOUBLE KILL &r&c☠" to attacker for 2 seconds wait 10 second if {kill.streak::%attacker%} is 2: set {kill.streak::%attacker%} to 0 if {kill.streak::%attacker%} is 2: set {kill.streak::%attacker%} to 3 add 3 to {pkt::%attacker%} send title "&c☠ &d&lTRIPLE KILL &r&c☠" to attacker for 2 seconds wait 10 second if {kill.streak::%attacker%} is 3: set {kill.streak::%attacker%} to 0 if {kill.streak::%attacker%} is 3: set {kill.streak::%attacker%} to 4 add 4 to {pkt::%attacker%} send title "&c☠ &5&lQUADRA KILL &r&c☠" to attacker for 2 seconds wait 10 second if {kill.streak::%attacker%} is 4: set {kill.streak::%attacker%} to 0 if {kill.streak::%attacker%} is 4: set {kill.streak::%attacker%} to 0 add 10 to {pkt::%attacker%} send title "&c☠ &4&lPENTA KILL &r&c☠" to attacker for 2 seconds send "&c%lGRACZ&r &e%attacker% &c&lZROBIŁ&r &c☠ &4&lPENTA KILL &r&c☠!" to all players every 2 minutes: set {top::*} to createTop("pkt", 10, "&2[INDEX] &a[PLAYER] &e[VALUE]") command /topkillers: trigger: send "&7Topka aktualizuje się co 2min." to player send "&6&lTOP 10 killerów:" to player send {top::*} to player on placeholderapi placeholder request for the prefix "Pkt": if the identifier is "kills": set the result to "%{pkt::%player%}%" on consume: if event-item is golden apple: apply absortion 4 to player for 2 minutes apply regeneration 2 to player for 30 seconds apply resistance to player for 5 minutes apply fire resistance to player for 2 minutes command /itemy: set player's helmet to diamond helmet of protection 4 and ubreaking 3 set player's chestplate to diamond chestplate of protection 4 and ubreaking 3 set player's leggins to diamond leggins of protection 4 and ubreaking 3 set player's boots to diamond boots of protection 4 and ubreaking 3 give diamond sword of sharpness 4 and fire aspect 2 and unbreaking 3 to player give diamond sword of sharpness 4 and knockback 2 and unbreaking 3 to player give iron pickaxe to player give iron axe to player if {_} != 0: give 64 cobblestone to player give 10 golden apple to player else: send "&cNie otrzymujesz jabłek, oraz cobblestone, ponieważ już je posiadasz." on first join: set player's helmet to diamond helmet of protection 4 and ubreaking 3 set player's chestplate to diamond chestplate of protection 4 and ubreaking 3 set player's leggins to diamond leggins of protection 4 and ubreaking 3 set player's boots to diamond boots of protection 4 and ubreaking 3 give diamond sword of sharpness 4 and fire aspect 2 and unbreaking 3 to player give diamond sword of sharpness 4 and knockback 2 and unbreaking 3 to player give iron pickaxe to player give iron axe to player give 64 cobblestone to player give 10 golden apple to player on respawn: send "&eNie dostałeś itemów? &aWpisz komendę &e/itemy&a!" to player set player's helmet to diamond helmet of protection 4 and ubreaking 3 set player's chestplate to diamond chestplate of protection 4 and ubreaking 3 set player's leggins to diamond leggins of protection 4 and ubreaking 3 set player's boots to diamond boots of protection 4 and ubreaking 3 give diamond sword of sharpness 4 and fire aspect 2 and unbreaking 3 to player give diamond sword of sharpness 4 and knockback 2 and unbreaking 3 to player give iron pickaxe to player give iron axe to player give 64 cobblestone to player give 10 golden apple to player on place of cobblestone: wait 5 seconds set event-block to air give 1 cobble stone to player function createTop(name: string, size: integer, format: string="[P] - [V]") :: strings: set {_indices::*} to all indices of {%{_name}%::*} set {_index} to 1 if {_size} = 0: return "" if {_size} < 0: set {_reversed} to true set {_size} to ({_size} * (-1)) loop {_indices::*}: if {%{_name}%::%loop-value%} = number or timespan or date: set {_values::%{_index}%} to {%{_name}%::%loop-value%} set {_indexes::%{_index}%} to "%loop-value%" add 1 to {_index} if {_size} > (size of {_indexes::*}): set {_size} to (size of {_indexes::*}) loop {_size} times: loop {_values::*}: if {_max} is not set: set {_max} to loop-value-2 set {_index} to loop-index else: if {_reversed} is not true: if loop-value-2 > {_max}: set {_max} to loop-value-2 set {_index} to loop-index else: if loop-value-2 < {_max}: set {_max} to loop-value-2 set {_index} to loop-index set {_var} to {_format} replace "[VALUE]" and "[V]" with "%{_max}%" in {_var} replace "[INDEX]" and "[I]" with "%loop-number%" in {_var} replace "[PLAYER]" and "[P]" with {_indexes::%{_index}%} in {_var} add {_var} to {_return::*} delete {_indexes::%{_index}%}, {_values::%{_index}%}, {_max} and {_index} return {_return::*}