command /ustawspawn []: permission: * trigger: set {spawn} to location of player send player title "&2&lSPAWN" with subtitle "&7&lUstawiono spawn" for 1 seconds command /spawn []: trigger: send player title "&2&lSPAWN" with subtitle "&7Poczekaj &c10 &7sekund" for 1 seconds set {_l} to location of player if player has permission "cd.spawn": set {_1} to 0 else: set {_1} to 10 while {_1} >= 0: if {_1} is not 0: if distance between {_l} and location of player <= 0.25: remove 1 from {_1} send player title "&2&lSPAWN" with subtitle "&7Poczekaj &c%{_1}% &7sekund" for 1 seconds wait 1 second else: send player title "&2&lSPAWN" with subtitle "&7Teleport przerwany" for 1 seconds stop loop else: send player title "&2&lSPAWN" with subtitle "&7Jestes na &3spawnie!" for 1 seconds teleport player to {spawn} stop loop